For the purpose of carrying out meritorious work and implementing the intended aims and objectives, the Board of the Roman Ingarden Philosophical Research Center was founded with the following members:
Prof. Leszek Sosnowski – Chairman of the Board
Prof. Sebastian Kołodziejczyk – Deputy Chairman of the Board
Dr. Natalia Anna Michna
Dr. Dominika Czakon
For honorary and advisory roles within the framework of the Roman Ingarden Center for Philosophical Research, a Scientific Council was appointed with the following members:
Roman Ingarden’s students:
Prof. Władysław Stróżewski – Chairman of the Scientific Council
Prof. Józef Lipiec
Prof. Andrzej Półtawski
Prof. Jan Woleński
Dr. Ewa Sowa
Dr. Leopold Zgoda
In addition:
Prof. Arkadiusz Chrudzimski
Dr. Witold Płotka
Prof. Zofia Majewska
Dr. Bogdan Ogrodnik